FUJIKURA KASEI CO., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "Our company") complies with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and related laws and regulations, manages the personal information appropriately, and pays attention to the protection of personal information.
1. The use of personal information
Our company deals with the personal information appropriately within the scope of the following purposes of use and those indicated upon the acquisition of the information:
- To respond or contact the inquiries from the customers
- To promote sales activities related to our products by phone, email, and mail
- To conduct a survey or deliberation for the purpose of the development and improvement of the products
- To issue the statistical material documents related to our products
2. Provision of Personal Information to the Third Party
Our company may provide the collected personal information to our subsidiary companies, affiliate companies, special agents and distributors, or the third person who concludes the information provision agreement with us within the scope of the purposes of use described in Clause 1.
Our company conducts appropriate monitoring to maintain confidentiality after conducting impartial investigation for the third party when our company consigns the dealing of personal information to a third party.
3. Restriction of Use and Provision of the Personal Information
Our company does not use by ourselves, or provide the collected personal information to the third party for the purposes other than those described in Clause 2, or unless otherwise provided for the special reasons, upon the claims of the request of disclosure of personal information based on the laws and regulations.
4. Management of Personal Information
Our company commits to maintaining the accuracy of personal information and managing the information with security.
Our company takes the appropriate measures against unauthorized access, hacking, or others of the personal information in order to prevent the personal information from being lost, destroyed, falsified, leaked and others from occurring.
5. Disclosure, Correction, and Deletion of Personal Information
Our company immediately responds to your order when you want to refer to, correct, delete, and others of your personal information after performing the identity verification.
6. Contact Liaison for the Inquiry for Personal Information
Contact with Inquiry form.
You can inquire about personal information by clicking the portion of (Inquiry form), which automatically jumps to the inquiry page.