Sustainability Management

Sustainability Management

The Fujikura Kasei Group engages in sustainability management to achieve sustainable company growth and enhanced corporate value, by contributing to addressing environmental and social issues through its businesses.

Sustainability Basic Policy

We recognize contributing to the solution of social issues as our duty and will promote sustainable management in accordance with the following basic policy:

  1. We will contribute to society through our business activities and achieve sustainable growth with "Co-creation × Evolution × Power of Chemistry."
  2. We will create value and generate profits to enhance corporate value.
  3. We will strive to reduce environmental impact through technological development and business activities.
  4. We will respect the individuality of each employee and expand diversity while creating an organization that generates innovation.
  5. We will respect and act according to international norms related to corporate activities such as human rights, labor, safety, environment, and fair trade.
  6. We will realize management that gains high trust from society through strengthening corporate governance and risk management.

Fujikura Kasei Code of Conduct

  1. We will maximize corporate value by achieving management plan according to each company's business style to realize sustainable management.
  2. We will continuously strive for R&D and provide excellent products and services.
  3. We will respect compliance with laws and regulations, respect the cultures and customs of the countries and areas in which we operate, act according to the common sense of society.
  4. Based on our human rights policy, we value the fundamental human rights and individuality and eliminate any discrimination.
  5. Based on our human rights policy, we will create a workplace without harassment.
  6. We will not engage in acts of antisocial forces both directly and indirectly.
  7. We will consider opinions of each stakeholder and build a proper and transparent partnership.
  8. We will establish an occupational safety and health management system and work with priority on safety and health.
  9. We will establish an environmental management system and strive to contribute to the environment by reducing the possible environmental impact from our business processes and creating environmentally friendly products.
  10. We will establish a quality management system and aim to improve customer satisfaction.
  11. We will establish a chemical management system and conduct necessary control according to laws and regulations to minimize health problems associated with chemicals.
  12. We will formulate business continuity plans and strive to provide stable supply of our products to customers.
  13. Information concerning the Fujikura Kasei Group will be disclosed in a timely and appropriate manner.
  14. Based on our information security policy, we will prevent leakage of information to be managed by strict and appropriate information security management.
  15. Based on our fair trade and ethics policy, we will properly manage and operate the property of the company (including intellectual property) and will not do any infringement of the property of other companies.
  16. We will contribute to the local community through dialogue and activities with the community.

The sustainability concept

The basic concept of sustainability management is to pursue corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a means to reduce and eliminate corporate risks and thereby create new business opportunities through the creation of value.

Framework of sustainability management

The Fujikura Kasei Group defines matters related to sustainability as a management issue and has organized the Sustainability Committee in April 2023 as a body in charge of examination, strategy formulation, and deliberation of these matters. The Sustainability Promotion Department, which was established at the same time, will promote practical operations across the board via a cross-departmental approach.
Furthermore, a framework has been developed under which the Sustainability Committee and Board of Managing Directors will discuss and make decisions on important sustainability issues and the Board of Directors will supervise and monitor sustainability management as a whole.

Recognition of sustainability issues

Sustainability issues exist broadly in the areas of environment (E), society (S), and governance (G) and are diverse. The Fujikura Kasei Group will work as one by leveraging its expertise and promoting lateral cooperation.