Value Creation Strategy

Value Creation Story

Our History of Creating Value
-Business and Product Development-

The Fujikura Kasei Group was founded in 1938 as a production company that mainly handles windshields and coatings for aircraft. The company has developed innovative technologies and produced high value-added products in a variety of areas including coatings for plastics, architectural coatings, functional polymers/polymers & resins, electronic materials, and medical materials. While striving to achieve our 2030 vision as a company that“ Provide new value through Co-creation × Evolution × Power of Chemistry", we will aim to reduce CO₂ emissions and environmental burdens, create technologies and products that enhance people’s lives, and contribute to solving social issues.

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Our Value Creation Model
-The Fujikura Kasei Group's Aims-

The value creation model is a business model that outlines how the Fujikura Kasei Group will create social value (contribution t o s ociety) a nd e conomic v alue ( profit c reation) t hrough i ts b usiness a ctivities a nd realize sustainable growth.

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